Acupuncture is a gentle yet powerful therapy that can help with a wide range of symptoms and conditions. It has been used and developed over centuries
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Bright Room is primarily an acupuncture clinic. However, we will, if time permits and your condition requires, carry out some massage - ususally for muscular-skeletal conditions. The...
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At Bright Room Acupuncture Clinic we often use cupping in addition to acupuncture - patients love its relaxing effect on the muscles. It's a standard part of our treatment of mucular-skeletal...
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Moxibustion is a gentle yet powerful warming technique that uses a herb called mugwort to provide heat and stimulate the body's healing response. It's great for tonifying and clearing...
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At Bright Room Community Acupuncture, we often use electroacupuncture. It’s incredibly effective in the treatment of aches, pains, tight muscules, and for inducing labour in women...
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Dietary and lifestyle advice is a very important part of Chinese Medicine. The Classic Texts of acupuncture and herbs tell us that it is the first area that should be looked at when...
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